Goumi Berry (Eleagnus multiflora)
Goumi Berry (Eleagnus multiflora)
1-2 year old bareroot seedling
Regular 10”-18”, XL 24”-36"
*Please Limit Regular Goumi Quantity to 3, XL Quantity to 2, thanks!*
Goumi berry is a wonderful shrub you may have never heard of. Its origins are in the far east and it certainly brings its adaptability and hardiness to Canada. Goumi is a medium sized shrub growing up to 15 feet tall, though keeping it shorter is easy to accomplish through pruning. Goumi produces bright red berries incredibly high in a host of nutrients including lycopene, an amino acid found in moderate amounts in the right varieties of tomatoes and staggeringly high amounts in all varieties of goumi. Another huge benefit goumi conveys to the landscape is it's ability to fix nitrogen while living in marginal soils. The flavor of the goumi berry has a surprisingly addictive taste holding a sweet sour combination with a hint of astringency when fully ripe. Goumi is a great wildlife support plant as birds love to eat the fruit and it has potential to be incorporated into chicken run systems. Give Goumi a go!
Our Goumi seedlings come from an excellent parent that produces large tasty berries and is growing over 20 feet tall. Definitely worth trying out and after a few years of paying somewhat close attention to care in watering, weeding and mulching this epic plant will need very little maintenance.
Collapsible content
The Tree
Height at maturity:Up to 5 meters
Hardiness Zone:
Water Requirements:
light to moderate
Years to bear:
Partial Shade to Full Sun
Self pollinating, but will set better and larger fruit with another friend planted nearby
Adaptable to a wide range of soil types
The Benefits
-Delicious superfood berries
-Fixes nitrogen
-Can handle partial shade
-Blooms attract numerous pollinators
Additional info
-Slow to establish, but once settled into its final home it can begin growing prolifically with little care.
-The fruiting window for goumi is long, sometimes spanning from early July through September
-Once established plants require little care. Our seed source comes from a bush growing in a practically abandoned house receiving no water/mulch/compost/love and produces a nice crop of berries every year regardless
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